Why we chose Golden BC for our head office location!

Written by: Marloes van lent

Written on: 8 July 2022

Day2Day Books Insight

golden bc

Why we chose Golden BC for our head office location!

Why we chose Golden BC for our head office location!

Before moving to Golden, British Columbia from the Netherlands, I shared the news with friends and although I received a mixture of reactions, one will always stick with me. One of my friends, also affected by the travel bug, said: “Golden, eh? That sounds like a golden opportunity”, not knowing that was the town’s slogan! 

Only three months after moving to Golden, I knew I had found my new home. I was affected by the Golden bubble as people called it. Why? 

Golden had, and still has, the perfect combination of opportunities, on a personal level as well as professionally, if you want to.

Three reasons why we love working and living in Golden British Columbia in the summer months

  1. Having the opportunity to reset after work by going for a bike ride on the well-maintained bike trails
  2. Going to grab a coffee at our favourite mobile cafe, Wandering Fern
  3. Escaping in nature and being able to camp by Cedar Lake, the OB Campground in the Blaeberry or Kinbasket Lake, to name some of our favourite places

These reasons help my team and I to stay balanced and allows us to show up at work focused to get the job done during the summer months!

© 2022 Day2Day Books, Golden BC.